Chiropractic Adjustments
A chiropractic adjustment involves chiropractors using their hands or a small tool to apply a precise and sudden force to a spinal joint. The aim of this technique, also referred to as spinal adjustments, is to enhance spinal movement and enhance the physical function of your body. During your first appointment, the chiropractor will inquire about your medical background and conduct a thorough physical examination, focusing specifically on your spine. Your chiropractor might suggest additional evaluations or tests, like X-rays. In a standard chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor positions you in specific ways to address problematic areas. Frequently, you are placed in a prone position on a chiropractic table that is specifically designed and padded. The chiropractor utilizes manual manipulation to push a joint further than its normal range of motion with a precise and sudden force. During the treatment session, your chiropractor will often cause a popping or cracking sounds when adjusting your joints. This is normal, it is a release of small amount of joint gas that then causes the joint soft tissue to create a snapping or popping sound. Most research indicates that chiropractic adjustments often helps reduce spine and lower back pain. Additionally, spinal manipulation has shown effectiveness in treating headaches and other spine-related issues like neck pain. We make every effort to provide adjustments that are not painful.
If you have any questions about care at this office give us a call and we will help as best we can to answer any questions.